Hello RX guys and gals.
Great forum! Been lurking here for quite awhile, often check the service plays for some input on choosing my plays, decided to finally sign up the other day.
I'm an Aussie, mostly bet AFL & NRL Rugby League, also dabble with North American sports. NFL, MLB and NBA being my preferred. NHL kills me, also bet MMA and some Soccer, mostly UEFA and German Bundesliga.
Would like to do a progress thread, with write ups/reasoning with all sports in the one thread, was wondering what is the best sub-forum to do so in. Is it ok if I do a thread in "All Other Football" and include NFL & non football plays?
Great forum! Been lurking here for quite awhile, often check the service plays for some input on choosing my plays, decided to finally sign up the other day.
I'm an Aussie, mostly bet AFL & NRL Rugby League, also dabble with North American sports. NFL, MLB and NBA being my preferred. NHL kills me, also bet MMA and some Soccer, mostly UEFA and German Bundesliga.
Would like to do a progress thread, with write ups/reasoning with all sports in the one thread, was wondering what is the best sub-forum to do so in. Is it ok if I do a thread in "All Other Football" and include NFL & non football plays?